2024 to 2025: Part-time undergraduate student finance applications are now open!

Student Finance England

This article or update has been provided by Student Finance England or Student Loans Company

This post first published: 13 May 2024

It's time for part-time undergraduate students from England to apply for student finance for 2024 to 2025!

Students don’t need a confirmed place at university or college to apply for student finance. There’s no need to wait for UCAS offers, encourage them to apply now! If they apply late, their money might be late too.

Students should apply using their preferred choice and they can change their uni, college or course details when they get their A-level results.

What’s available

Before students apply, they can check:


How to apply

Let your students know that it’s quick and easy to apply online.


New students should create an account and will need their:


  • passport details
  • bank details
  • National Insurance number

Continuing students should re-apply by logging into their online account.

What happens next

It can take 6 to 8 weeks to process their application, so encourage students to apply early to make sure they get their student finance in time for starting their course.

Extra help

We have cost of living – student finance support guidance, share this with students to make sure they’re getting the maximum funding they’re entitled to and direct them to any extra support they may need during their studies.

Social media

We’ll be promoting that our applications have opened on social media, give us a follow and share our posts!

Facebook: facebook.com/SFEngland

Instagram: instagram.com/studentfinance_england

Twitter: twitter.com/SF_England

YouTube: youtube.com/SFEFILM