Sharing our content online

Exchange editorial team

Providing up-to-date information about our student finance products and services.

This post first published: 03 May 2017

We’ve created a range of tools to help you share and promote student finance products, services and resources on your organisation’s website.

These tools can be found as 'Bundles' in our supporting materials; they contain everything you need to add branded links to your website or blog that will take users directly to our most up-to-date information.

Currently available bundles include:

The Student Finance Zone link button bundle

This will add a link to your site that will take users to our student finance zone on Our zone contains up-to-date information on all our products and services. Students can also take part in forums, discussions and surgeries with our Student Finance England Experts.

Student Finance Quick Start Guide link button bundle

This will add a link to our interactive Student Finance Quick Start Guide, a tool that helps students, their parents and partners find out more about specific areas of student finance including information about student finance products and services including repayment.

Repayment plan type identifier link button bundle

This will link users to our interactive repayment plan tool. This has been created to help students understand what plan type loans they have and how plan types impact repayment terms.

Twitter bundle

We’re happy for you to use our twitter feed on your site, @SF_England is a great way to keep your users up to date with advice about student finance, important dates and key messages throughout the year. We've created a bundle that contains everything you need to embed our twitter feed into your site or blog.

Future bundles

We'll create bundles for specific events and campaigns, we'll highlight these as and when they become available so keep an eye out for new bundles throughout the year.